----- Original Message ----- From: "John Francis"
Subject: Re: PUG Themes?

I guess it's time for me to repeat that I think the synchronicity
them is one of the worst.  It puts all the emphasis on when you
took the photograph (especially inconvenient if the time window
happens to be in the middle of the night, local time).
The one advantage I see is that it forces you to go out and take
a new shot especially for the gallery, but that could be managed
in different ways - I'd recommend just stating it as a rule for
submission to that month's gallery.
A compromise might be to make the 'synchronicity' window anything
shot on a specified calendar date, but I still think this places
too much importance on when, without any consideration of what.

This is what I like about the synchronicity theme.
For me, it is a slice of life theme. Take a picture of whatever you are doing at the time.

William Robb

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