I use a one-way turable head on this monopod. I find it a bit annoying, not
have all turn-options at the same time. I'd prefere a ball head, I guess. I
tend to tilt the whole monoped forwards and backwards in stead of udjusting
the head. I adjust the head sideways for "portrait" or "landscape" formats.

Jens Bladt
Arkitekt MAA

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Jan van Wijk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 7. september 2005 07:10
Til: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Emne: Re: OT: Manfrotto 680B & 322RC2 (monopod & ballhead)

Hi Ryan,

On Wed, 7 Sep 2005 10:45:18 +1000, Ryan Lee wrote:

>Just bought myself a Manfrotto 680B monopod and a 322RC2 grip-style
>ballhead, based on reading some other users' experiences on the net. I'll
>probably end up occasionally switching the head between my Velbon Mountain
>Chaser tripod legs and the monopod- I don't think I'll switch between them
>so often that it'll become tedious.

Right, I have the same head, and have been using it for a few months,
almost exclusively on a Monopod ...

>Was just wondering if any listers use/have used this head on their monopod
>(or with the older 3265 even)

I think I have the 3265, an older one anyway, three sections and pretty
heavy :-)

>and would like to share experiences. Do you
>prefer to keep the grip horizontal or vertical?

I prefer the grip horizontal.

However, I did change the orientation from the factory-delivered right-hand
usage to left-hand (just moving the camera mount RC2 thing to the other

I like that a lot better since I can hold the grip with my left hand then,
and still have my right-hand free to operate the camera.

I usually have both hands in use then, stabilizing the camera and monopod
with my right hand on all the proper controls on the *istD ...

>Also, the lens I'm going to use is going to be mounted via tripod collar-
>are Manfrotto plates the only compatible plates? They come across as being
>bit small. I've looked at RRS lens collar plates and they look pretty good,
>but I couldn't find anything similar to mate with a Manfrotto clamp.

I am not sure, I have a few Manfrottos, and also have one plate that
is a little bit larger than the ones that come with the grip. Can't find
it in the current catalogue though, got it with a used bal-head I think.
These types of plates are called the '200PL' series,
at least in the European catalogue ...

My main gripe with manfrotto is that they have at least 5 incompatible
types of quick-release mechanisms. For my geared head (405) I have
totally different (much larger) and very flat type of plates (410PL).

Makes it a bit hard to mix and match lenses/tripods easily ...

(I have such a larger plate screwed solid to the A* 300mm 2.8 :-)

Regards, JvW

Jan van Wijk;   http://www.dfsee.com/gallery

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