On Sep 13, 2005, at 12:45 PM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

LONG URL's: Perhaps those posting messages with long URL's can use Tiny
Url to shorten these addresses .... Please:  http://tinyurl.com/

(I find it best to try to post both if it's a long and complex URL. And yes, when participating in a thread about a photo, the URL to the photo should always be in every response in the thread.)


The question of top vs bottom posting, or in-stream quotation/ responses by section, has been the subject of debate and controversy on net forums and mailing lists for many years. To adopt one, the other, or the third explicitly by fiat is dogmatic and likely not going to work ... some people prefer the "sensible" top to bottom stream, others prefer to see the net material up top, and for other situations, like this one, 'in-stream' responses make more sense. (I try to adopt whatever the standing style is in long threads, and reorder top to bottom or bottom to top based on how the conversation flows best.)


Absolutely. There's no reason to not trim a quotation to the essential material you're referencing, and it reduces confusion.

This is all part and parcel of longstanding netiquette. One should look at a message, see what if anything they want to respond to, and adopt a style of response that is succinct and cogent, presents all the information necessary for the response to make the point you want to convey. To do this fosters courtesy to others on the forum through not wasting bandwidth and improves understandability, reduces confusion. (Secondarily, it makes the digest form of a mailing list a lot more useful. Much less replicated material to wade through when you're trying to follow a thread.)

It's a lofty goal... ;-) Thanks for bringing up the subject.


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