There is a big difference, millions
of PK/M lenses are still out there with ONLY
the cams on them, there is no need
to not support those if the cost of
support is very cheap in both the body
and with respect to the value of the
lenses and it certainly is....I am not arguing that new lenses
should or shouldn't have mechanical 
interfaces, I am arguing that these
particualar lenses should still be supported
that happen to have simple mechanical interfaces.

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Maas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: more green button wars

But by that standard, there is insufficient market for mechanical 
aperture sensing. Otherwise every major SLR manufacturer would not have 
abandoned it (Heck Canon and IIRC Minolta even abandoned mechanical 
aperture coupling as well).


J. C. O'Connell wrote:

>Yes there is certainly insufficient market
>for it because it isnt needed if the superior open aperture metering is 
>offered instead. That's a given. They don't offer what people don't 
>need. I am beginning to tire out over these arguments
>because I posted an explaination why open apeture
>metering is bettter but instead of you explaining
>something wrong with my argument you just say
>that its better ( Quality? ) without reason.
>>From what you are saying I gather you would
>like or want stop down metering instead of open
>aperture metering in all your cameras?   WHY?
>It's a serious question, not a rhetorical.
>I ask because I don't believe there is any
>reason to want it over open aperture metering
>so Id like to know why in you would want stop down instead of open 
>aperture metering or why you thinks its "QUALITY" method based on the 
>post below...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Larry Levy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 5:10 PM
>Subject: Re: more green button wars
>JCO opined:
>>Like I said if anyone here thinks stop
>>down metering is better or as good as
>>open aperture metering than I would like
>>and explanation why NONE of the camera
>>companies use it anymore or even offer it as
>>an option in additon to open aperture metering?
>>Because its isnt as good that's why.
>He really knows better than that. The reason companies no longer offer 
>down metering is very simple. There is insufficient market for it. Relative

>quality doesn't matter.
>Anyone here remember the Chrysler push-button automatic transmission? I
>thought it was exponentially better than the typical gear shift lever. The 
>majority of the marketplace disagred with me and Chrysler. They went the
>of stop down aperture metering cameras.
>Larry in Dallas

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