----- Original Message ----- From: "Boris Liberman" Subject: Re: The importance of quality tools, was: Re: How Pentax Could Survive

There's a point at which upgrading the tools becomes less important than
upgrading the operator. That point, of course, is different for every
operator and the trick lies in being honest with yourself when assessing
it in your own development.

I must admit, my little brother recently taught me a lesson. He introduced me to notion of ROI - return of investment... Mark, you're absolutely right. Starting from certain point, further investment brings negligible improvement in return...

The difference between a one thousand dollar table saw and a 3000 dollar table saw is that the more expensive one comes with a Mike Holmes in every box........ Seriously though, the law of diminishing returns is an old one. We haven't got there with Pentax yet, they haven't made a (DSLR) camera that is high end enough that another chunk of money wouldn't bring a tremendous return in performance.

William Robb

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