On 2/10/05, John Forbes, discombobulated, unleashed:

>There is not a cat in hell's chance of a constructive debate on Pentax's  
>future.  Every month Herb Chong posts some figures.  Every month various  
>people wail and gnash their teeth.  Nothing new or enlightening ever  
>emerges.  Nobody knows what Pentax is planning, so instead we get  
>fantasies and predictions of doom.
>The Chongites think that Pentax might pull out of photography.
>The rational souls note that Pentax is profitable, and not about to go  
>down the plug-hole tomorrow.  Further ahead, who knows what the future  
>will bring?  Nobody here, that's for sure.
>It's all very boring and unconstructive.
>The sensible thing is just to forget the whole issue.

...and pretend it doesn't exist.

--------------->  ;-)


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