> The thing that prompted my response on Tuesday  was the 
> "<snip> I consider the affair ended.  His feedback was his
> recourse.  My patience is ended.<snip>".
> That was the call to arms.

Or, at least, that's how you interpreted it.

A differing viewpoint might suggest that it was just a hint
of frustration showing through from a vendor who has seen a
call for mailbombing, suggestions that he is a cheap crook,
and other intemperate responses, all from a hitherto-unknown
mailing list.   While those of us on the list might feel that
we are a cut above the average bulletin board or usenet news
group, there's certainy not much in the communications with
JD Colour to support that view. We (collectively) apparently
behaved in the stereotypical adolescent spoiled-brat manner
all too common in the world of electronic communications.
While there were a few well-thought-out, well-expresed emails
sent to JD Colour, it would be all too easy to overlook those
in the heat of emotion after receiving one of the rather more
inflammatory communications.

Not that I hold Kevin blameless in the whole affair - he was
guilty of, at the very least, losing his self-control for a
while, and ripping off a curt reply to a provocative email
(I'm by no means convinced that the quoted messages reflect
store policy - I see them as more as responses to perceived
goads).  But that's all too easy to do when all you have is
email - the nuances of face-to-face communication are lost,
and the immediacy of the medium make it more likely that a
reply will be sent too soon. I'm sure we've all sent email
responses that, on consideration, would have been far better
left unsent.
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