We have a few jobs for people like you where I work.
We call them "greeters"

"Welcome to Walmart.  Is that a return?"

"No it's my camera bag with $4000 of camera gear inside".

"Well sir, we'll have to put this little yellow smiley face sticker on it so we know you brought it in with you."

"What, are you implying I'm a thief?"

"No sir, it's just our policy."

"To put yellow smiley face stickers on things people bring into the store?"

"Yes sir."

"Well why don't you put a yellow smiley face sticker on my wife's purse then, to show that she brought IT in with her?"

"It's not our policy to put stickers on purses."

"Well how do you know she's not stealing a purse if she walks out without the yellow smiley face sticker?"

"I don't know sir."

"Am i going to have to start carrying my camera gear in a purse so you people don't put stickers on it?"

"I don't know sir".

"The point is, your store is tagging me as a potential thief when I'm carrying something INTO your store, not OUT OF IT. Most thieves TAKE things not BRING them. For that matter, I could carry a camera bag OR a purse into your store, put something in it, and leave without paying for it, but if I have a little yellow smiley face sticker on it, you'd think I wasn't a thief. Isn't that right?"

"Sir, I don't think your a thief. It's just our policy to put stickers on items people bring into the store".

"What about my shirt? I'm bringing IT into the store? If there's not a sticker on it, how do you know when I leave that its the same shirt I wore in?"

"It's not our policy to put stickers on people's clothing sir."

"Well here, give me those stickers. I'll put one on my camera bag, one on my shirt, one on my pants, one on my belt, and one on each shoe. That way you'll be sure that when I leave the store, I'm leaving with everything I brought in and that I didn't take it, OK? And then'll I'll put one on my wifes shirt, one on her pants, and one on each of her shoes. But I won't put one on her purse, OK?"

"That's OK by me sir".

Tom C.

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