Just to put this stuff into perspective. With my first camera I took a photo of water flowing over a dam under a bridge. I had to have a buddy hold my legs while hanging upside down. I deliberately composted it at a 45 degree angle as that is the way I thought it looked best. I took the film to my neighborhood drugstore for processing, as we all did back in the early '50's. They did not even print the negative!

I raised so much hell about it that my Dad gave me a darkroom outfit for my Birthday that year, which is how I happened to get interested in serious photography. So, in a way, you guys can blame that drugstore for your having to put up with me.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Mark Roberts wrote:

frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Clerk: Out of 36 shots, 10 were out of focus, 15 were blurry, you accidently took 
three pictures of the floor, you had tilted horizons in two others and the other six 
were mediocre compositions."
geez, that's a pretty good roll by my standards...

But you'd have to explain to the clerk why you only wanted prints of the
15 blurry ones! (and maybe the three of the floor...)

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