Shel Belinkoff wrote:

> The LX is an amazingly good camera for low light work.  I've 
> made perfect exposures in a room that was completely dark but 
> for a flickering TV screen, the light from which was 
> constantly changing.  The LX, with the shutter open, just 
> kept measuring the light until the proper exposure was made, 
> times varied between around twenty to forty seconds.  That 
> evening I got 36 perfectly exposed shots.  Portraits by TV 
> light ... y'gotta love it!
> Add the new, brighter focusing screens and a fast lens, and 
> you've got a real low-light shooter.  The nice thing with the 
> LX is that if the light changes during exposure, the metering 
> system adjust while the exposure is being made.
> Although I prefer the MX for daily shooting, it doesn't hold 
> a candle to the LX in low light situations.

I very very rarely use a flash and this was a major plus point to LX
ownership, in how well it handled low light situations. I would far sooner
carry a tripod and use a remote shutter release and have long exposures,
than use a flash. 


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