You could do what I did, Frank. Get a used highend digital P&S for when it is most expedient to use. I paid $200 for the Oly C-5050Z and $29 for a 512mb CF card (68 raw, 400+ jpg). I admit it has not supplanted the film cameras, but it has pretty much done so for the scanner.

BTW, I never did get my lenscap in the mail.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

frank theriault wrote:

On 11/23/05, Herb Chong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
alternate scenario - to get Robert's services, Frank has to pay twice as
much, plus pay more for B&W film.

Twice as much?

Right now I have 5 film bodies that I use on a regular basis.  They've
long since been paid for.

How many digital bodies would I need to replace them?  How much would
that cost?  I'd like to have not just a dslr (I'd prefer two), but a
digital rangefinder (that Epson ain't cheap).  I wouldn't even bother
thinking of "replacing" my old Yashicamat, so I'm looking at minimum
three bodies.

My computer at home is a dinosaur.  It would cost thousands to upgrade
it to a point where it would be an efficient tool for processing/post
processing/storage device.  I don't have a photo-quality printer, so
tack on hundreds more.

I'm figuring that it's gonna cost me at least $6,000 to put me in a
position where my digital capabilities are equivalent to what I now
have in film - and that's likely an low estimate.

Even if it's argued that I could get away with one body, the cost of
that plus computer upgrades would be minimun $3,000

Add to that the fact that going digital will take many hours per week
of my time doing PS crap that I really don't like doing (and there's
got to be a cost consideration to that), and I think I'm saving
big-time by sticking with film.

I really don't see how you can say that film is costing me "twice as
much" as going digital.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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