Well, you'll get there. It'll just take time. I stored my darkroom in boxes in 1980 when I moved from Chicago to New Jersey. I never set it up in Jersey because I didn't have a basement. Moved to Michigan in 1992. Finally got around to putting the darkroom back together sometime around 1998. It's quite nice now with one enlarger for MF and one for 35mm, with Schneider and Nikon lenses respectively. I bought a nice Schneider lens for 4x5 as well -- a 135 I believe. But I'm still missing the correct mounting plate. I do want to make some prints from 4x5 one of these days. I can go to 16 x 20 with my current setup and have done so with MF negs. That's a lot of fun. 4x5 printing should be a real trip.
On Nov 25, 2005, at 1:07 AM, William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Stenquist"
Subject: Re: Shoot now, focus later

You're still allowed to have a darkroom. There's no law that says a digital shooter can't do some film work. Do you still have your darkroom equipment? Set it up and get to work.

Get all the stuff I have stored in the basement into rented offsite storage, use the space I am creating to set up a woodworking shop so that I can complete a few projects (bathroom cabinetry, etc) upstairs, then get all those tools into storage and completely gut my basement and deal with the mold problem that has developed since we had the roof off the place in 2003 and it got rained on several times.
After that, I can start to think of a new darkroom.
In the meantime, I have two bathroom gut and rebuild projects coming up, plus I will most likely be changing careers, more than likely going to work as an overhead door installer (excellent money, hard work).

I'm hoping that my darkroom will happen within the next year.
Last winter, I bought myself a baby blue Beseler 45 Dichroic, a host of Nikkor enlarging lenses, and several boxes of miscellaneous brick brac that I would like to use.

William Robb

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