That's essentially why I don't read most mags. Too much measurebating and '10 steps to instant success' articles.

At this point, I read Black & White Photography (Tons of meaty process stuff, never more than 1 review, no idiots guides), B&W Magazine and Lenswork. That's about it, unless I want the skinny on a new toy, and even then I usually hit the net, ever since I read PopPhoto's utterly bogus Rebel XT review (hint to PopPhoto, next time you claim a camera does 3.2fps, test it, especially when the manufacturer claims 3fps and others have posted solid evidence of 2.8fps as the actual performance)


graywolf wrote:

Men are tool orietated. Most photography literature are tool orientated. Ever seen a photography magazine that did not have camera ads in it?

Men talk about things, women talk about feelings. All you have to do is thumb through a womans magazine and you will see the difference. If you made your magazine totally woman orientated all you would do is lose your male readershi, I doubt you would pick up a large following of women. Most women are not interested in the nuts and boldt end of things, even the nuts and bolts of making images.

Despite the politically correct crap, men and women are different. We do have a half dozen or so women who are regular list contributers, and there are another half dozen who come and go. Who knows how many lurkers are female?

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Bob Shell wrote:

On Nov 26, 2005, at 10:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But I still felt a need to say it -- those part of my feminist stripes have not changed, although I am on a list that is 95-99% male. However, if most of the women on the list react similarly to a photograph that tells you something
right there.

Mostly it tells me that we need more women on this list. On all photo lists, for that matter. Camera sales are not 95% to men, but most of the photo lists I have found have few, if any, women.

We had the same problem when I was Editor at Shutterbug magazine. Our readership surveys showed us that our readership was about 95% male. I tried to attract more women readers by featuring articles about women photographers, and even started a monthly feature "Women in Photography" and has Frances Schultz write it. She did a bangup job. But even years later after this and other efforts, there was no increase in women among the readership. We concluded that women like to do photography, but not so much read about it or converse about it.

You can hang me for saying it, but I think that men tend to be more visually oriented than women. This applies even more strongly to gay men, in my experience.


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