Hi Glen
very interesting reading for me and I begin to wonder whether "ugliness" has
been or could be a PUG theme.

>>Once upon a time, my local camera club was trying to come up with monthly
>>themes for their upcoming photo competitions. I suggested having an "ugly
>>subject" month. The idea was, to photograph a subject that you felt most
>>people would not find attractive -- be it human, landscape, mechanical
>>device, whatever -- and try to actually show your skills as a
>>-- instead of trying to impress everyone with your personal taste
>>in pretty
>>girls, or your adoration of cute, adorable, children or cute,
>>fuzzy, house
>>pets. Absolutely no one was interested in my idea. No one wanted to
>>concentrate on the photography itself, instead of on the relative
>>beauty of
>>the subject, not even for just one evening.
>>take care,

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