On Nov 28, 2005, at 10:37 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

I guess Apple doesn't have such a mental hold on people outside the US or alternately there are much more capable computer engineers elsewhere. I worked along side the publishing and pre-press industries long enough to draw my own conclusions (I expect that you know that the Australia magazine publishing
industry were the first in the world to implement wholesale electronic
publishing work-flows as well? And none were primarily Mac based to my
knowledge). I'll submit that video editing on the low end is likely currently primarily the domain of the Mac but not still imaging at least not here.

Actually it is high-end video editing where Macs are predominant. If you go out to California and visit any of the companies doing FX and CGI work for the motion picture industry you will only see Macs. I only have been involved in the publishing business here in the USA, in England, and in Germany, and all were 100% Mac.

Our nearby university, and my alma mater, Virginia Tech just recently built a supercomputer by interconnecting some humongous number of high-end desktop machines. They used Macs for this project in spite of the higher costs, primarily because of much greater reliability in their experience. It works great and some other universities are following their lead.


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