In a message dated 11/28/2005 10:02:37 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
Geez, Marnie, I can hardly store the 10K slides I
have, and I only keep about 1/4 of what I shoot.  When
I "go digital" and shoot raw, hard disk space and DVDs
will present the same problem!
Not the same. Physical storage space is much less of a problem. I have boxes 
and boxes of slides, a lot less than you, I imagine. But they do take up space.

While DVDs storing my whole output to date on digital take up a lot less 

Yeah, I can delete the ones that are TOTALLY black because I underexposed, 
but I have found, I don't even do that. Learning experience and all that. If I 
start filling up as much physical space with DVDs that I do with slides, then 
maybe. :-)

So it's not as much a problem as you might think. Course I have my whole 
second HD devoted just to pictures. Makes it easier. (Well, it has PS CS on it 
too, but that still leaves a WHOLE lot of room for pictures.) And every now and 
then I don't just back up, I move some of the old ones to DVD (removing them 
completely from the HD). Because, well, a lot of my shots just aren't worth 
much. Especially the earlier ones.

So you are anticipating, I think, more problems with that then there actually 
are. Storage of digital images is actually EASIER. At least to my way of 

Double backups, of course.


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