On 30 Nov 2005 at 20:24, Toralf Lund wrote:
> Actually, I don't believe for one moment that digital photos are 
> generally free, either (as I've mentioned before.) I just have too much 
> experience with management of large amounts of data for that. What can 
> be said, is that what you decide to throw away, is free. So like I said 
> (more or less), if I had thought that I would want to delete a lot of 
> images, I would have got a digital camera a long time ago...

This argument is moot, who says all files need to be maintained on-line, that;s 
the only way that cost of storage could become significant. The price of good 
quality DVD media is less than US$0.50 per disc so each RAW image (using the 
bloated *ist D files) costs less than US$0.0015, so it costs US$15 to store 
10,000 RAW files, hardly bank breaking.

> As has been pointed out by other people on this list earlier, some 
> experience with the more careful planning normally associated with film, 
> is probably good for most photographers...

Careful planning or not I usually come away from any photo opportunity with 
more usable images shooting digital than I did film because I'm no longer 
constrained by the cost of film. I still shoot film but it's a very small 
fraction of my total output, but it still costs me way more than US$15 per roll 
of ten shots.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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