Any anthropomorphic or philosophical meaning associated with a photo has no bearing whatsoever on the quality, good or bad of the shot.

If it means somehow that you try harder, put more effort into, or are excelling because it's your passion, when you see a potential shot with some meaning, before you release the shutter, then I can understand it.

To many times around here I see, IMO, lousy shots that receive praise because they 'hold some deeper meaning', when in reality they are just lousy shots.

I like thistles and this shot holds some appeal. I suspect I feel the same way about it as you do Bruce. The thistle flower on the left is beautiful, but it seems there are too many other distractions that make the entirety somehow 'disharmonious'. In the spirit of ruthless self-critique, which I attempt to exercise on my self, I would edit this one out.

Next summer?

Tom C.

From: Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PESO - Thistle
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 09:41:18 -0800

Marnie, you are correct that my shots are better when I see a deeper
meaning in them.  Perhaps that is what is holding me back on this one.
Thanks for commenting.


Thursday, December 1, 2005, 7:27:44 AM, you wrote:

Eac> ==========
Eac> I like it. Although I think I'd like it better without the top one being
Eac> chopped off.

Eac> Also,I think you do better when you see a deeper anthropomorphic
Eac> philosophical meaning in nature -- from the universal to
Eac> the macro -- family relationship
Eac> or politics or something. ;-)

Eac> Marnie

Eac> In a message dated 12/1/2005 5:22:11 AM Pacific Standard Time,
Eac> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Eac> On 11/30/05, Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have had this shot sitting in the electronic pile for awhile. I'm
>> wondering what you all think of it.  I am undecided, but there is
>> something that holds my interest.  Thoughts appreciated.
>> Pentax *istD, Tamron 90/2.8 AF Macro, handheld
>> ISO 200, 1/500 sec @ f/5.6
>> Converted from Raw using Capture One LE
>> --
>> Bruce

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