On 1 Dec 2005 at 19:57, Cotty wrote:

> The reason I shoot jpegs is simple. I shot the same scene RAW and large/
> fine jpeg. I put both through PS and printed each at A3. I compared the
> prints and there was not a damn bit of difference between them. My end
> result is printing, so that was that.

Shoot the right subject matter and no you'll never see a difference. Simply put 
if the tonal range of the scene fits within the capture range of the camera 
then all will be sweet however if the range exceeds that you will either clip 
the whites or blacks or both. I've done experiments too and even with my camera 
set on the lowest contrast setting the camera generated jpeg or tiff images 
don't hold a candle to a RAW conversion in when shooting a wide latitude scene.

I expect it would be a lot more attractive to shoot RAW if you had a faster 
machine, before I upgraded my computer gear a year or so ago I was working on a 
300MHz system, it was painfully slow, impractical really.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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