keith_w wrote:
In a message dated 12/1/2005 9:16:46 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Google offers Picasa at  This is free software and is
a good inexpensive way to see what this type of software can do to
help you out.

I just downloaded that one (before you mentioned it :-)) and am checking it out. Looks interesting.

Marnie aka Doe

Look before you download!

This product is available for Windows and IE only...

Windows and IE? Who uses IE nowadays? Yes, IE is sort of built into Windows. But my default browser has been Firefox for at least a year now, and Picasa integrates well.

Picasa is a useful package. It's interesting how it lets you do minor touch ups in a way that doesn't alter the original, yet doesn't seem to result in a copy either. It must maintain a list of alterations to apply to each image, and applies them on the fly upon viewing an image.

It is mostly useful as a thumbnail and slideshow program, though I also use it for organizing and burning gift slideshow CD's in smaller-than-original image dimension formats. It's good for emailing images too, as it will automatically reduce to some predetermined size as it sends the images, again without altering the originals. Pretty convenient. When you use it to burn slideshow CD's, it puts a copy of its slideshow viewer on the CD too (if desired). The slideshow CD's aren't good for archiving images, but they're great for what they're meant to be; a slideshow on a disk.

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