Thanks, that helped.  ;)

I had one photographer tease me about looking at my LCD after taking some shots, but I don't consider what I did any different than a first-rate advertising photographer shooting and inspecting a Polaroid preview image. Some of the biggest names in the business shot Polaroid tests. In fact, it was a mark of professionals, not amateurs.

This particular photographer asked me what I would have done if I had been shooting with my film camera. I said "I would have worried more about whether I got the exact shot I wanted, had it been film. With digital, I can know exactly when I have the shot I want and move on to something else. It actually makes more efficient use of my time, to look at the capture."

I don't consider what I do to be "chimping", as defined by that very fun little video clip. As for the other photographer, I saw some of his shots later. I think he should have checked his LCD more often. ;)

take care,

At 01:07 PM 12/15/2005, P. J. Alling wrote:

Glen wrote:

At 10:01 AM 12/15/2005, Christian wrote:

It also prevents "chimping"!  :-)

I always thought that was an odd term. Can someone please explain exactly what it means?

Apparently, it means something more than simply looking at the LCD screen, because an LCD hood wouldn't prevent looking at the display.

I'm also aware that the term has a negative connotation, but I'm not exactly sure why. (It would help if I knew what it meant.) ;)


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