The difference between 1/2-stop and 1/3-stop is 1/6-stop!  I commend the
visual sensitivity of anyone who can truthfully say, "This slide would look
soooooo much better if only it was 1/6-stop lighter/darker".

A real pro could once shoot Kodalith (can you still buy that stuff?) at ISO
2 or 3 with a latitude of one poofteenth of a stop on an old view camera
with a lens having NO detents on its aperture scale, calculating bellows
corrections by simply looking at the camera and thinking, "that looks like
1/2-stop to me", and timing the exposure by counting, "one one thousand, two
one thousand, three one thousand, ....".  The secret is to DETERMINE THE

These days it seems that the slightest intellectual exercise sends its
victim straight to the keyboard complaining that the
camera/lens/flashgun/whatever didn't do all their thinking for them and brew
them a nice tea or coffee afterwards.

Overcoming technical challenges to create good individual photography is
extremely satisfying.  Conversely, using the default automation to solve
those challenges will give your shots the same "look" as the thousands of
other photographs shot at the same manufacturers defaults.

Re: the question, "What makes a pro camera", if you need to ask you'll never
know.  But it does intrigue me that the Nikon F100 is called high-end rather
than pro-grade, yet the same camera in digital form, the D1, is absolutely
considered a pro-grade camera.  Anyone care to enlighten me?

Anthony Farr

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ptitboul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dear all,
> of all the critics I read about the new MZ-S,
> the one that seems to be the most annoying is
> the 1/2-stop exposure compensation. 1/3-stop
> precision is often needed for slides.
> However, it may be possible that setting the
> exposure compensation ring between the marks
> can give more precision than 1/2-stop.
> But in any case it makes bracketing with
> 1/3-stop much more difficult than in most
> other Pro cameras, including PZ-1p.
> Can the MZ-S owners on this list check this
> detail for me ?
> Thanks.
> -

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