Digi wrote:

> >I don't think so. I do believe film will be around for 20 years and an
> updated LX,
> A bit like C19 plate cameras are still around? Sorry, but I'm rather
> sceptical on the longevity of film. It will have it's place in twenty years,
> but that place will be a very very small niche market.

Sure. But an LX is for that niche market. Film WILL be around a long time. There are 
hundreds of millions 35mm cameras in use and someone will want to use them even after 
digital is taking most of the market.

> You *do* mean film, don't you: large, heavy and consumes a lot of power with
> winders, etc.  Digitals currently have high power usage but that is likely
> to change - and very soon.

I doubt it will change very soon. You also have the problem of data storage. A 
shooting session with high resolution images will take a lot of gigabytes. 

> But I do agree with you - any future LX will not be a digital. However, I
> don't think there is going to *be* a new LX. I find it fascinating how one
> posting suggesting that there *might* be a new LX (based on some rather
> vague discussion/interview that isn't in print and hasn't been quoted
> verbatim nor confirmed by a third party) can generate a discussion like this
> with people carrying on as though a "New LX" is a given and will be released
> in the next few months. It just seems 100% made-up, which is rather sad as
> it is getting people hopes up for nothing.
> (unless I missed the posting in which it was all officially revealed...).

It is from an interview in print. The director of camera division must know how the 
market will react on statements like he wants to make an LX with AF. Particularly when 
in public under the heading "where is Pentax going?".  He must be a very stupid man if 
this was just his fancy or dream; particularly in an interview to underline Pentax 
future direction.
Take this statement together with numerous statements from various Pentax sources of 
an yet unreleased flagship, and the fact that the official Photokina '96 Pentax 
delegation said they were working on a professional 35mm slr closer to the LX than the 
Z-1p, I see no reason for being sceptical.
And theres more. Pentax recently said they wanted to boost their brand value and 
recognition. You don't achieve this with cheap products. They also said they wanted to 
give the customers what they want. With the imminent 50th Asahiflex anniversary, I see 
clear posibility of statement products. 


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