----- Original Message ----- From: "J. C. O'Connell"
Subject: RE: Nikon lens on M42 body???????

I am not a nikon guy but they sure made tons of SLR models
and finders and screens. None of them are as good as an MX?
Wow, I am glad I never got into Nikon if that's the case.
Good thing too they don't take M42 or PK lenses either.
To hell with that.....

I've used many Nikons over the years; F, F2s, F3 HP, FM, FM2, FE, and a Nikkormat FTN (technically not a Nikon). I have handled, but not used extensively the FA and F4, and some of the lower end cameras from the mid 80s, the N2000 and N2020, the FG (acronym for f*&king garbage) and some of the early AF's (601, 801 IIRC)
Of those, I liked the F2 the best.
But it is no MX. The FM2 is every bit as nice a camera as the MX, though not as compact.

In general, I prefer the look of the pictures I get with Pentax lenses, enough so that I am willing to forgive a number of flaws in the product line.

William Robb

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