Jostein wrote:

I will need another session with a motif with bright spots in the background to experiment with. Not the kind of background one normally looks for, but usually it's much harder to find one without...:-) Hopefully next week-end.

I'll gladly swap some rain for some temperature, but only if you throw in some extra daylight. :-)


Don't get to see much myself. To work in the dark, home in the same and all day in a windowless room. I'm probably suffering from vitamin deficiency.

----- Original Message ----- From: "mike wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: PESO - first shots with 500/4.5

Jostein wrote:


Ventured into the cold today to play with the recently acquired 500/4.5:

Just some random shots, as the day was far too nice to waste on rigorous testing...:-)


That's a weird patch of CA on the Greenfinch shot. Just around its feet and the branch below it. Maybe a hint in the fork of its tail. Not really any in other shots with similar - but not exactly the same - background.

Looks chiller there than here. Swap you some rain for some (lack of) temperature.


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