Jack Davis wote (with my replies interspersed):

Injustice through ignorance is a reality.

I agree.

Realizing that's the case, it's easy to say to yourself; "I can't be responsible for the
unthinking damage they are going to cause to all those connected".

I think the difference is I say to myself, "I won't be responsible". I have a young teenage son. If he was ever the victim of abuse, I'd likely want to handle the castration phase of the punishment myself! On the other hand I'd realize going around harming others in the attempt to find the right person to castrate, is not right either.

People are selfish and indiscriminate in their conclusion jumping, ego
driven, opinion spewing.
I'm NOT referring to anyone on this list, only to some of those written

Which is what my conscience and course of action/non-action would hopefully help me and others avoid.

I don't advocate "erring on the side of (fill in the blank)" just because a child is involved. Taking the proper course of action, because I am well informed, would be my approach.

I don't know about you, but I'm getting worried about being turned in for dead horse abuse. :-)

Tom C.

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