At 05:12 28/07/01, you wrote:
>how about this for dumb then:

I think I should go back to my old tag line, "Danger is nature's way of 
eliminating stupid people". I suppose one could always say "Only in 
Australia.." Our governments here have a penchant for making "nanny" laws 
that do nothing more that make people less responsible for their own 
actions. Personal choice has been so severely eroded in Australia it isn't 
funny. There are people that call for a new law every time something bad 
happens. A person gets lost in the desert, there's a call to make all 
people going into the desert carry EPERBs. A person falls off a cliff, 
there is a call for all cliffs to be fenced off. A person jumps from a ten 
foot high wall into a two foot deep canal and there is a call for all walls 
to have signs put up warning of the dangers of jumping off 10 foot high 
fences into two foot deep canals. It has got to the ridiculous stage where 
people try to sue authorities for failing to put up signs telling them of 
the dangers of whatever it is they have just done. I think it lends itself 
to people abrogating all responsibility for their own actions, yet the 
governments in Australia continue to pass legislation outlawing this or 
that activity, making it compulsory to do this or that.

So the next time you hear of legislation being passed that makes it illegal 
to pat your head whilst rubbing your stomach, or something equally as 
absurd, think "It could only happen in Australia". :-)

Now, what this has to do with photography is beyond me, but I suppose there 
were some photos in the article.. :-)



Relax! Take life as it comes, you can't chase the sun, you can't race the wind

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