"P. J. Alling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Pål Jensen wrote:
>> I plan to set up my own web page dedicated to my photography.
>> I am a novice in web page design and everything associated with it. I 
>> need to know it all!
>> Any tips you may have from design, software, web page provider, 
>> selling images over the net... whatever......will be welcomed.
>Keep it simple, keep it simple, keep it simple.   The more complex a web 
>site is the more annoying they can become.

I second that. I'd suggest hand coding basic main pages and generating
gallery pages of photos using some simple automated software. All recent
versions of Photoshop have been able to make photo gallery pages. If you
don't have any of them, try something free like 
Gallery (http://gallery.menalto.com/) or Web Album Generator

HTML is really simple and easy to learn. For the basic pages and writing
your own code you can pick up any one of a number of HTML books or look
at the W3C page (http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp) or any of
many other HTML how-to guides on line.

Use a free text editor like EditPad
(http://www.robertstech.com/files/editpad.zip) and you can do things
like multi-page find-and-replace actions easily.

Validate your code with the W3C on-line validator at

Basic tips:
Like P.J. says, keep it simple. Don't use frames. Don't use a lot of
fonts, specify font size in percentage rather than point size to improve
accessibility. Keep graphics to a minimum except for the photos you want
to show. If you must use JavaScript keep it to a to a bare minimum and
make sure the site functions without it.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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