If we can help promoting Pentax equipment, it's fine with me.
I am interested in keeping Pentax in the photographic business.
I would be very disappointed if I had to buy into a different system, when
the day I need a *ist D replacement.
How can the PUG get further promotion?

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Paul Stenquist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 30. januar 2006 01:04
Emne: Re: PUG (No longer Re: *istD2)

Good point. There are obviously some valid reasons to keep the PUG
"Pentax exclusive." Perhaps we don't even need to admit Samsung
entrees. After all, it's not meant to be democratic, it's meant to be
devil's advocate and curmudgeon

On Jan 29, 2006, at 6:00 PM, Jaume Lahuerta wrote:

> When I started using Pentax gear and I discovered the
> PDML, I liked to look at the PUG because there I could
> see what other's did with an equipment similar to mine
> (so, it was my fault, not the equiment's fault ;-) ).
> This way I could resist better the temptation of the
> Dark Side.
> One of my main motivations for submitting was to be
> mentioned in the monthly PUG comments. It was great
> the first time I got one (I think it was J.Buhler in
> 2001).
> Now, there is a lot of people showing their pictures
> in PESOs and PAWs so the PUG is not the great monthly
> 'event' it used to be.
> But this is just an interpretaion of the gallery
> utility. The second one (to be commented ant
> critizised) can be achieved in many other places, but
> the first one (to discover what can be done with
> Pentax equipment) is not that easy to find.
> Regards,
> Jaume
> Regards,
> Jaume
>  --- John Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
>> As others have observed, PUG submissions are
>> significantly
>> down as compared to previous years.  While I'm sure
>> that
>> a lot of this is because of the upsurge in
>> PAW/PESO/...,
>> I really don't feel this is the time to make it
>> harder to
>> submit to the PUG.
>> It's my belief that the restrictive rules (only
>> Pentax gear
>> for the PUG, but anything goes for a PAW)
>> contributes in no
>> small way to the decreasing significance of the PUG,
>> and if
>> any change were proposed I'd suggest just dropping
>> the rule.
>> It's not as if we expect the PUG to be overrun by
>> submissions
>> from outsiders, after all.  I'd like to see the best
>> work from
>> any of the list members, no matter what camera they
>> were using
>> that day.
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