On Feb 1, 2006, at 9:05 PM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Yes, Bill, I know that .... remember, you were the first to teach me the basics of HTML. I've written a few web galleries by hand, but hell, if I'm gonna use a program, then I want it to be able to do such things, otherwise I'd just set up a template and do it myself ;-)) I'm getting lazy in my
old age ...

I've been coding HTML for years but I tend to avoid it these days. Perhaps I'm getting lazy as well, or maybe I'm just trying to be more productive :)

I do keep a very close eye on what the software produces as I'm still very fussy about code formatting. About the only time I edit the code directly is when working on Javascript and PHP (which is actually very often these days). Sometimes I'll go into the code when the editor is being annoying (particularly when shifting table cells around).

Doing HTML by hand can be error-prone, and browsers are sometimes a little too forgiving of minor syntactical errors.

- Dave


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