Tom C wrote:

Pentax was also slow out the gate, but not as slow. Now though, they are slow in introducing an upgrade path to the *ist D. This can't be gaining them customers.

Pentax is not trying to "keep" customers with an "upgrade" path. They seem more inclined to gain new entry level customers instead. Nothing wrong with that if they can get their name (or Samsung's name) out there as a competitor for good, compact, DSLRs suitable for your typical entry-level enthusiast (see also: P&S user wanting less shutter lag to take pictures of his/her kid playing sport or average person contemplating EVF type P&S).

However, once they gain these new DSLR users, they will have to come up with some way to keep them wanting more. some of these entry-level photogs will want more feature rich, (yes higher MP; even if it is a numbers game) DSLR as their experience grows. This is what I'm interested in seeing. How/what is Pentax going to do?

It almost seems that the original *ist D was thrown out there to shut us up. After all it was the feature-equivalent competitor of the then advanced amateur level camera like the D100 and 10D. Problem is they haven't given us a D200 or 20D competitor (granted the D200 was a late successor to the D100).



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