> Mark Roberts wrote:
> > 
> > Ann Sanfedele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > >Anyone with in 50 feet of where Dave sleeps will indeed need
> > >earplugs or some very good sleepytime meds
> > 
> > Bill Owens is on the mend so perhaps he'll brew up some "sleepytime
> > meds" :)
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Mark Roberts
> > Photography and writing
> > www.robertstech.com
> Well I'm certainly glad to hear he is mending... ohoh
> moonshine on the mountain!
> Now it'll be some guitar playing fool keeping everyone up
> instead of Chainsaw!

I like that nickname better than the one i have here at work.<g>
My one and only 'shine experience, didi not go well.:-)

PS, glad to here Bill is mending

> ann


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