In a message dated 2/6/2006 8:18:52 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 09:48:01PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Marnie aka Doe :-)  Well, enuff said. It's basically sexist humor if you 
> can't figure that out.

Well, no it isn't, necessarily.   Much of the time the joke is
aimed at the male - the butt of the humour isn't the character
being personified, but rather at the impersonator.

And even if it had been, using it as a launching pad for a racist
dig at the British really wasn't the best way of making your point.
Racist? Don't you mean Nationalist? Are all Brits the same race? I wasn't 
under that impression. I thought Britian had a fair number of Blacks and quite 
few Indians.

Nationalist, sure. Yeah, I was digging re nationalism or countrism or 
whatever you want to call it. :-)

To me it's like blackface. People used to think that was pretty funny too. 
Okay, maybe not QUITE as bad as that. But people did used to think it was funny 
for a white man to put on blackface. Ergo, for a man to dress like a woman... 
exactly who is being made fun of???

Truly, John, I have NEVER EVER EVER understood why it's supposed to be funny.

And you missed the humor in my posts (or tongue in cheekiness or just plain 
cheekiness). Too. Just getting a little controversy going to maybe create some 
discussion and thought.

Later, Doe ;-)

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