Frank... I like you but that's the biggest bunch of BS I've ever read from you.

FWIW, you were not at all responsible, nor was Aaron, nor was Doug.

Those of us on the list that had legitimate additional questions to ask and raised them in a civilzed manner were labled as suspicious and ignorant. Those legitimate questions asked in a civilzed manner, from what I can tell, is not why Pentax Canada, or Marco, or whoever was really behind withdrawing the request, did so.

Respectfully, those who had those questions and were intersted in participating, as I was, should not have just SHUT UP and DONE NOTHING.

Tom C.

From: frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 09:45:24 -0500

On 2/9/06, Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Doug Brewer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>
> >The actions of a few members have given the PDML a black eye, and I
> >am ashamed of it.  Someone owes the list an apology, and it damn sure
> >isn't Pentax Canada.
> Thanks Doug. I think this last thought is what's been subconsciously
> bothering me without my being able to articulate it.  I almost killfiled
> this thread last night. Glad I waited until after your message to do so.

We've had a lot of ridiculous flame-wars over the years, but this has
to take the cake.

You all may have noticed that I haven't been posting much over the
past couple of weeks, and this shit is the reason why.  It just
doesn't seem like the warm, welcoming place that it was before I
started this thread.

I honestly thought this would be a fun thing.  Those that were
interested in participating would do so, and derive some satisfaction
that others were enjoying their photos, while in some small way
helping out Our Corporate Mother.  I figured that those who didn't
want to participate, or who wanted some sort of remuneration, or were
worried that their photos would be used for nefarious purposes would

Once a few questions were raised, and I posted Marco's Pentax Canada
e-mail address, and I thought (again), "Okay, frank, this is the end
of it.  We might hear from a few people what a nice guy Marco is, and
how he answered questions promptly and politely, and how a few folks
have sent in images.  This thing's over now."  (as an aside, a few did
make such posts, which I was glad to see)

I was wrong.  This thing has simply devolved into a morass of
accusations, finger pointing and demands for apologies the likes of
which I've rarely seen.  Now I see after Doug's post, people are still
being defensive and saying "it's not the list as a whole, it's not me,
it's ~other people~ on this list."

It's all been quite unseemly, and Doug is right, we should all hang
our collective heads in shame.  The list as a whole has misbehaved.  I
accept some responsibility, not because I started the thread, but just
because I'm here.  This used to be a pretty cool place to be.

It's not any more.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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