Not the Saudi's as a nation (Although they do fund extremist Madrassas, whose students have become terrorists in a number of nations, including many of the foreign-born terrorists now operating in Iraq and they were the backbone of the Taliban), but you might note that one of the major Wahabbi extremist leaders is a guy named Osama Bin Laden. They were also a major funder of the Taliban (Who were Wahabbist, and portions thereof did invade Afghanistan to impose Sharia, much of the Taliban was/is actually Pakistani). Saudi's are also major funders of extremist Islamic groups worldwide, and Saudi funded groups actively promote both violence and imposition of Sharia wherever they are found (And they are heavily active in the UK, and to a lesser extent in the US).

Note that I blamed the Wahabbists, not the Saudi's. The Saudi's are mainly Wahabbist Sunni (but not entirely, there is a notable, and heavily oppressed, Shia minority in Saudi Arabia) and are probably the #1 funder of Sunni Islamic Terrorist groups. They aren't the only major Islamic 'denominatio' seeking to impose Sharia on the world, but they are certainly the most active (the Shia groups seem more interested in imposing Sharia on their own countries).


Mishka wrote:
and how exactly do saudis impose their believes
on the rest of the world? i don't remeber them
invading any other country to impose sharia.


On 2/14/06, Adam Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The Salafist wing of Sunni Islam, of which the Wahabbi's are the most


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