
It's about a year that I've been persuaded to get into rangefinders myself... Leice is above budget anyhow, so I started off with a Canonet QL17 GIII and very recently added a Zorki 4 to the collection. Now I'm waiting for an Industar 22 (3.5/50 collapsible) and a Jupiter-3 (1.5/50) to arrive, because the Jupiter 8 (2/50) that came with the Zorki is not in optimal condition.

And indeed, you don't see many people carrying these camera's around, so I'm not surprised they addressed you for this.

Actually, one of the 'hidden' advantages of most rangefinders is that the viewfinder is located to the left of the camera, so you can use the right eye for the viewfinder, and the left for the scene. Where as for SLR's, the viewfinder is right in the middle of the camera, which forces me to hide completely behind the camera.

I think rangefinders are more 'natural' photography equipment.



Cesar wrote:
There are not many who would understand, but photographically I wanted to let someone know how I have tried to extend myself photographically.

I asked some list members for inputs since I was thinking about rangefinders. Though, to be frank, I was interested in a Leica. I had heard so much about them.

I ended up going to Adorama and spending quite a bit of time looking at cameras - thanks go to my sister for being patient and letting me have as much time as I needed to decide.

The M cameras were too expensive to consider, not knowing how I would react to a rangefinder. So I looked at a screwmount Leica. You can see
for a look at what I ended up with.
This is a 1950 Leica IIIf with a 1950 Ernst Leitz Wetzlar Summitar f=5cm 1:2.

I dropped off three rolls this afternoon and am anxiously looking to getting them back after Thursday.

Funny thing - I ended up flying from NYC to Panama City through Orlando. I was coming out of the restroom when I had an asian man approach me. I had my Leica IIIf hanging around my neck. I don't recall if I had my *istD over my shoulder. He asked if I was a photographer and then asked if the camera around my neck was a Leica. He also asked if I was there for PMA. He smiled wished me a good day and then went away smiling. Would this have happened with only a Pentax around my neck? How about a Nikon or Canon?

Looking forward to a street festival this Friday when I will have the IIIf and an LX around my neck. I guess I will also have an *ist D with me too.

Hoping to keep up with the list,

Panama City, Florida

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