I recommend waiting for a reply before doing anything else.

Whenever I post items on Ebay I state specifically that interested buyers outside the US should contact me directly prior to bidding. Shipping charges and delays can take their toll on the value of an auction, and shipping to some parts of the world render shipping insurance ineffective. Prior to shipping, I want to have an email confirmation that, if such risks and expenses are a part of the deal, the buyer is willing to accept the risks and pay the additional burden.

I've not had any problems because of this, and I've shipped to Norway, The Netherlands, South Korea, Hong Kong, China, Chile, Peru, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, etc etc.

If, however, a seller does not want to spend the time required to do it right, there's no point in binding yourself to a liability and possible loss.


On Mar 4, 2006, at 7:46 AM, Tim Øsleby wrote:

I want to bid at a shipment only in US item. I have sent the buyer a message asking if he can send it to Europe despite what he has sayd. I have also suggested a send to a US citizen and he will ship it on to me solution. No
reply so far.
If I bid, despite this, will that make me a bad ebayer?

Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)

Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large crowds
(Very freely after Arthur C. Clarke, or some other clever guy)

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