David Mann wrote on 14.03.06 10:11:

> I suspect Apple are just trying to sell you newer hardware, as the
> required hardware is pretty much what their current line offers.
Good luck to them then ;-)

> On a more serious note, I suspect it has more to do with the video
> card than the processor.  I think the newer Powerbooks have quite a
> lot of video memory available.  G5/1.6 has 64Mb, and the 17"
> Powerbook has 128Mb.  I think the later 15" Powerbook also had 128Mb
> but it's been replaced with the new Intel notebook which has 256Mb!
> I also have a G5/1.6, and the video card is pushed pretty hard when
> driving a pair of 1600x1200 screens.
Well, such a large amount of video memory is needed mainly by 3D graphics.
To work at 1600x1200/32 bit in plain 2D only 8MB should be enough, 16 MB
with no problems. Yes, I know that Quartz uses 3D GPU to build some 3D
screen elements, but even then 32 MB should be enough ;-) Either way
strange, because they should rather mention in hardware requirements
appropriate graphics card.

> The pricing will reflect the marketplace that Lightroom is aimed
> for.  Aperture is aimed squarely at professional photographers, but I
> suspect that Macr^H^H^H^H Adobe will set their sights on enthusiasts
> as well, which means they'd hopefully price it a bit lower.  I'm just
> guessing here.
I have the same thoughts as yours - I hope for much lower price of
lightroom. One more very important difference - Lightroom can keep settings
for each RAW in sidecar .xmp files while Aperture keeps this data in one
huge file. Adobe's solution is much more flexible, especially if you move
some of your photos to external storage and would like to edit them in the
future or on another computer.

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

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