
I am starting to realize that most of my photography is very static.
Here I've tried to be slightly less static...


Your honest and brutal feedback is as usual sought after and appreciated.

I like it.  I must say, I usually exect "smooth" lines from these
sorts of time exposures.  At first the "jiggly" lines were a bit
off-putting, but the more I look the more I like.

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

Frank, given your signature (left here intentionally :-) ) I might assume that you and probably me too tend to shoot hand-held... To get this exposure I had to turn on mirror pre-fire and use shutter speed of 1 sec. I couldn't probably produce anything even remotely smooth. And then of course if it weren't "jiggly" some would say - it is not sharp enough ;-).

I was going absolutely against the "bourgeois concept" ;-).

Thanks for your kind words.


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