----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Stenquist"
Subject: Re: DL TTL flash madness

The AF400T works great on the D. i think the reason Dario and others have experienced so many failures and erratic behavior patterns with certain flashes on the D is that the connectors on the D hotshoe sometimes have trouble making contact. That would explain the erratic results with some flash units. Mounting is critical. The AF 400T doesn't mount on the shoe of course. It uses a cable that attaches to the shoe. I think the weight of some flashes on the shoe causes them to rock back and forth a bit, interrupting contact. Even the Sigma has to be mounted carefully, and the wheel has to be tightened aggressively.

This doesn't explain the poor TTL performance I have gotten with my Metz 60CT/2. It also uses a small box attached to the hot shoe, and the contacts were cleaned just prior to my last flash fiasco.

William Robb

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