Hi Bruce,
I it at 200 and 400 without any compensation. But I always use an omni reflector or soft box attachment.
On Apr 1, 2006, at 12:02 PM, Bruce Dayton wrote:

Hello Paul,

When using the 400T, do you dial in any negative compensation?  Also
what ISO's have you tried it with.  I have shot many weddings with
mine, but I am usually at ISO 400 and compensation set to about -2.  I
haven't really fiddled with the connector at all and am wondering if
perhaps I should.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Saturday, April 1, 2006, 5:47:07 AM, you wrote:

PS> The AF400T works great on the D. i think the reason Dario and others PS> have experienced so many failures and erratic behavior patterns with
PS> certain flashes on the D is that the connectors on the D hotshoe
PS> sometimes have trouble making contact. That would explain the erratic
PS> results with some flash units. Mounting is critical. The AF 400T
PS> doesn't mount on the shoe of course. It uses a cable that attaches to PS> the shoe. I think the weight of some flashes on the shoe causes them to PS> rock back and forth a bit, interrupting contact. Even the Sigma has to PS> be mounted carefully, and the wheel has to be tightened aggressively.
PS> Paul
PS> On Apr 1, 2006, at 5:34 AM, Kostas Kavoussanakis wrote:

On Sat, 1 Apr 2006, Dario Bonazza wrote:

At the end of the day, I'm afraid that the only TTL flash working
well on the D to be the Sigma EF500 DG.

And that's P-TTL, right? Or are you saying that it has a TTL mode and
it works well on the -D?


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