Call me crazy but I am someone who would be (and is) interested in
this.  I use Corel Draw to make figures with (NMR) data for scientific
publications.  I also use it for making drawings that I use in the
class I teach.  While there might be other options available for the
Mac platform I am not willing to give up the knowledge I have gained
on the Corel products and Corel does not have a Mac version of this

The only way I would buy a Apple computer to replace my Windows PC is
if it has a option for running some Windows based software.  I still
think the virtual machine (VMware) option is better.  However,  it is
not clear to me that Draw would run fast enough in this mode.  So
knowing I can dual boot would make me much more likely to buy an Apple
for my next computer.

I am sure there are more people like me how are unwilling to give up
software that we currently run on our PCs.  I do not think Apple can
afford to overlook these potential customers.


On 4/6/06, Bob Shell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 6, 2006, at 1:09 AM, Mishka wrote:
> > why replace a terrific OS with garbage?
> > i would rather run OSX on my AMD PC.
> I don't know why anyone would want to do it, but Apple must think
> there is a demand.
> Bob

Perry Pellechia

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