There has been discussion of this on dpreview too. Some people are getting rebates, other (who claim that they have followed the instructions) aren't getting rebates. Some people have had trouble with the rebate forms from B&H (which differed slightly from the forms on Pentax's web site), others have gotten their rebate using the B&H form. It is all part of the general rebate scam.

I am awaiting the rebate (or denial thereof) for my D FA 50. I did not supply them with my email address. It will be interesting to see if they deny the rebate for that reason.

I was once with a health insurance company that would routinely deny claims, even claims that they were required to pay. When I would challenge the denial, they would pay up. The strategy is that some people won't read the policy, so won't know that they are entitled to be paid, while others will just passively accept the denial. At the next opportunity I switched to an HMO.


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