
Hi, I don't want to start a flame war, or get anyone's undies in knot.  I'm
just curious to know how many people are not shooting raw, and why that may
be.  Please, no flames or judgemental comment.  We all know raw has
advantages, and in some circumstances can be a better choice than shooting

Shel, I've tried shooting JPEG two or three times. One time (outdoors) it was necessary to give the pictures away immediately and quality was not an issue. The only thing necessary was proper exposure and reasonable degree of picture being in focus. The other time I remember I simply tried to shoot JPEG to see how it works indoors.

Eventually when I sat down and reviewed the outcomes - I really disliked it...

I shoot exclusively RAW.

Sorry if does not answer your question directly, but negative answer is an answer as well, isn't it?


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