Bill has a good point here. I use umbrellas far more often than soft boxes. Also, some white umbrellas can be used as soft boxes simply by reversing the light stand.
On Apr 13, 2006, at 6:11 PM, William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gonz"
Subject: Soft boxes, any recommendations

I'm looking to get a couple of softboxes. I have umbrellas and need something with a more diffused look. Any experiences with particular brands or styles? Sizes, shapes that are more useful? Anything I should stay away from or watch out for?

Have you thought about larger umbrellas?
I haven't found soft boxes to be all that good for portraiture, though they are very good for product/ still life pictures. I fought with a set of Moonlight softboxes for many years, a 36 inch and a 60 inch. I find the light from them to be harder than from a 24 inch umbrella, using the same head as a light source.

William Robb

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