Lots of good answers in this thread.

Here's my theory and practice.  I back up to more than one type of
media, and store the copies in more than one location.

All of my files are stored on two different hard drives with two
additional copies on DVDs.  The DVD sets are stored in two different

In addition, I've uploaded jpegs of a lot of my files to Smugmug. 
According to this thread,


In September, they did not.  The thread was updated on April 19th with
this message:

"Update: I've never been comfortable with making claims about our
safety even though we keep two separate copies of your photos on
separate industrial arrays.

Last week we went a step or two further, however. We now keep 4 copies
of your originals in 3 states. We provide real-time backup over
high-speed links to a company in the business of safe, archival
storage, so if our storage arrays fail, we can instantly serve up
images from theirs."

So, given that even the standard account gives you unlimited storage
space and very generous bandwidth, It's a pretty cheap place for
backup of your jpegs.

As an added bonus, they hinted in this thread that pro accounts will
soon have unlimited bandwidth:


If you're really pressed for time, you can have them make DVD copies
of your on line galleries.

At the expense of sounding like an advertisement, use this referral
code if you'd like a discount on your initial fee:  de1Hg7l4vbFRM

Or go there via this link: <http://www.smugmug.com/?referrer=de1Hg7l4vbFRM>

Yes, I get a referral fee.

See you later, gs

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