> http://www.photosight.ru/photo.php?photoid=1407794
> http://www.photosight.ru/photo.php?photoid=1407795&ref=section&refid=999

As Boris kindly explained, this must be a photo posted right before or
after mine. It definitely isn't mine. I don't do female nudes, for a
number of reasons. ;-)

Besides, you might want to have a closer look. This person doesn't look
any younger than at least 18 which is perfectly legal, everywhere in the
free world.


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  DL9KCG  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
private homepage: http://www.fotoralf.de
manual cameras and photo galleries - updated Jan. 10, 2005
Contarex - Kiev 60 - Horizon 202 - P6 mount lenses

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