A second image would work, but it might be overkill. A lot can be done to 
increase shadow detail, control highlights and pump up contrast in PhotoShop. 
The Shadow/Highlights tool is the easiest and probably most effective method. 
But it can also be accomplished in Curves.
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
> Re: PESO - This one's better...
> Ralf R. Radermacher
> Tue, 02 May 2006 09:19:13 -0700
> >CRB wrote:
> >
> >> Try increasing the contrast a little.
> >> This shot is open to a lot of valuable experimentation.
> >
> >I did and lost all detail in the shadows. I do admit that I'd like it to
> >have a little more contrast, but not at the expense of losing too much
> >in the lights or shadows.
> >
> >Would you like to have a go at it?
> >
> >Ralf
> I'm not much with PS yet, and only have PSE 2.0.
> This would be a good candidate for a "split" approach.
> Make one image low-contrast to get the detail.
> Make a second image high-contrast to get the brilliance.
> Then combine 'em.
> Maybe someone here knows how to do it?
> It would be simple if I had a neg.  : )

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