You don't need any disclaimers, girl, these are lovely...

I like the whole group as a group, actually... at the moment
I can't 
bring up every single one on my monitor (in a time crunch on
other matters) 
I'd like to see 12 of them as a dodecahedronish assembly
(have I got that right?)

Until I read that you said they wre through glass I would
not have known.

love them!


> Shot at Monterey Bay Aquarium about two weeks ago. Usual disclaimers: shot
> through glass, through water, moving subjects, dark room, using high ISO and
> large f stop.
> These are either the best or the ones I thought were the most interesting
> examples of jelly fish movement. Row three is probably the weakest.
> For those of you who take time to look, I wouldn't mind knowing which #
> numbers you like best. I am thinking of printing up 4-5 and hanging them side 
> by
> side. I know my favorites are #1 and #2, so I'd like input on any others you
> think might be print worthy.
> Throw some slow classical music, maybe a waltz, maybe the Blue Danube, on the
> ipod (or the cd or tape player).
> Jelly Fish Waltz
> Comments welcome.
> Marnie aka Doe :-)

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