It blocks malicious, and sometimes not particularly malicious, contact from the web to your computer. Zone Alarm is a fairly good free version, if you don't have Windows XP sp2 or better. If you do there's one built in to your OS. Someone else will have to tell you how to activate it. I don't have anything running that doesn't require more than Windows 2000 and I's hates XP I does...

If you need Zone Alarm you can download it from them for free here:

They'll ask for a valid email address and bug you with product offerings from time to time...
(I keep a special address for just such occasions everyone should).

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

It's been suggested that I install a fire wall, but I don't really know
what one is or how they work.  So, what's a fire wall, how does it work,
what are the pros and cons of using one, and where can I get one?


When you're worried or in doubt, Run in circles, (scream and shout).

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